Gas Storage Tanks

LPG Storage Tanks

Our storage Tanks are Propane rated tanks and are manufactured in Europe with the highest safety standards taken into consideration. They are SON Certified and they come with a pressure gauge and a gas reliever. Our storage tanks range from 500litres to as much as 60,000 litres. They can Rented as standalone or alongside the generator.

The only difference from an Electric Heat Pump (EHP) air conditioning unit is that a gas engine rather than an electric motor drives the compressor. However, this one difference produces a number of major benefits.

Underground Storage Tanks

This is a type of gas tank that is buried underground without it being visible to passerby. It is safe and doesn’t cause obstruction around the premise. The gas tank will be installed with a man-hole above it to allow ease of refill.

Aboveground Storage Tanks

This is a type of gas tank on the soil surface which is visible to passerby. It is safe as the underground gas tank the only difference is that it occupies more external surface space unlike the underground gas tank which is relatively unnoticeable on the outside surface.They both serve the same purpose.
*This product is available for Sales and Rental.

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